Interview with... graceandstyle

This week winner is graceandstyle! Congratulations!

1. Tell Us little about you
Well my name is Grace, I'm a fashion blogger from the UK and I love to write and design. My inspirations include Hollywood icons such as Audrey Hepburn, as well as what I see people wearing everyday when I'm walking around town. My desk always has three my computer, a stack of magazines and a piping hot coffee, and I never leave the house without a pair of sunglasses.

2. Where did you find out about stardoll and .how long are you playing stardoll?
My mother told me about Stardoll when I was much young (back when it was called Paperdoll Heaven) and I've been playing ever since, though I created this new account recently.

3. What would you like to change about stardoll?
I agree with the people who say there is very little for non superstars- I was a non superstar for over 2 years and at times I felt a little annoyed.

4. What do you love about stardoll?
The fashions- I've bought things I could never even dream of finding in real life. I also like the community aspect, and follow several blogs run by Dolls.

5. What is your secret stardoll talent?
Aha- well I like to think I'm good at finding a bargain, or a special item. I'm also pretty talented at acrobatics!

6. Do you follow all the latest fashion trends?
I take influence from both street trends and catwalk trends, but I don't let it rule my life- when it does rule your life, you lose your individuality. I prefer classic pieces I can wear several ways.

7. Describe the perfect day outfit?
The perfect fitted blazer/jacket, a comfortable knit, a chic skirt/trousers, high-heels (I am not a flat-sole kind of girl!) and my Chanel purse. Oh, and sunglasses- of course!

8. What is the best make-up for you?
Strong, and classic- black eyes, red lips, defined cheeks. If it's a little over the top, who cares.

9. Tell us 5 must have sunny day items.
Sunglasses- Tortoise shell wayfarers or black 'fashionista' shades are my pick.
Suncream and water- Staying safe is vital.
A light knit, or shirt that I can layer. This way I can take it off to cool down and still be fully dressed.
A magazine- for reading in the park, on the tube- or just fanning myself.

10. What do you want to tell to the viewers of your interview.
I'd like to end with a line my idol, Audrey Hepburn, once
“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in for beautiful lips, speak only words of and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”
Au revoir!

with love, Zhanetta
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