New Palazzo Store

There is a new store named Palazzo. It has clothes and interior items. They are all quite nice but also quite pricey.

Two dresses are missing but you can find them in the new section, it will probably be fixed soon.
Also a plaque and stairs are missing but are in the new section. The plaque is 123 stardollars :O It could be a glitch, but sadly I dont think it is.
UPDATE: The dresses and interior items are now in the shop!
UPDATE 2: The plaque has been reduced do 10 stardollars.. wahay!

Do you like this store? 


MSM Comment/Review: A nice store overall ...can't say that it blew our minds...The interior pieces are really beautiful and what really worths in this store. The clothes are..well...okay i guess. As for the sign that costs 123....are you kidding me? 

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