Love HotBuys?
Want to win 40sd?
Then enter the HotBuys competition
FINALLY the It Girls HotBuys dress has been released! This dress was meant to be released a couple weeks ago but the release date was changed. It’s probably one of the nicest HotBuy dresses I’ve seen in a long time so I’m very happy to be hosting a comp with this one!
Please note * Remember not to cover the dress too much. Whenever I host a contest with a dress a lot of people cover the dress entirely from the waist down or top up and get disqualified. So please be extra aware of this rule in this contest xD Covering it with a jacket, cardigan, belts etc or layering underneath it is fine but don’t layer over the dress to the point that more than half of it is covered.
To enter
Make an outfit using the It Girls Striped Dress in starplaza or your suite. Take a picture of the outfit and upload it to a website like tinypic, photobucket or imageshack etc. If you don’t know how to do this then click HERE for easy to follow instructions. Links directly to your suite, starplaza or links that start like this file:C://users:documents… etc do not work.
Entries are now closed
Do not leave your entry in the comment section.
1, You can only enter one outfit per poll and the outfit must be made by yourself on your own doll.
2, The HotBuy must be visible in your outfit and not completely covered up
3, No asking for votes or you will be disqualified
4, Please don't write your stardoll user name, edit or include anything else on your picture.
You don't need to be SS to enter and please don’t buy anything to make your outfit, you can make it in starplaza so buying something is not necessary and a waste of your sd’s. Your whole outfit needs to be visible so make sure you don’t crop out your dolls feet or legs etc. Pictures that are too small, blurry or bad quality will not be counted.