Love HotBuys?
Want to win 40sd?
Then enter the HotBuys competition
To enter
Make an outfit using the HotBuy Rio halterneck top in starplaza or your suite. Take a picture of the outfit and upload it to a website like tinypic, photobucket or imageshack etc. If you don’t know how to do this then click HERE for easy to follow instructions. Links directly to your suite or starplaza are not acceptable. You’re link must be to a picture of your doll wearing the outfit not to your suite or starplaza. Links that start like this file:C://users:documents… etc do not work either. Please stop posting them. Just follow the instructions I give.
You can then enter by clicking
1, You can only enter one outfit per poll and the outfit must be made by yourself on your own doll.
2, The HotBuy must be visible in your outfit and not completely covered up
3, No asking for votes or you will be disqualified
4, Please don't write your stardoll user name, edit or include anything else on your picture.
Good luck and enjoy!