Clothes to come.....
some are nice...others are't....
what do you like?...
...xoxo MSM
Weekly Popular
I know the awards were suppose to take place on December 18th, but due to many unfortunate matters I had to post-pone. I now have a forma...
There is new Archive in starplaza. You can see the floors below! Will you be buying anything?
There is a new Achievement Coming soon and will have to do with Facebook This is how it is going to look: ...xoxo M_Them...
You can see the Christmas's Hot hotbuys calendar HERE Ivory Turtleneck and it costs 16 stardo...
November's endangered species is the Orangutan. Much cuter than last month's Aye-Aye :D To adopt this cutie go here: http://www.sta...
NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE If you are looking for this pose...well i do not know where they are supposed to appear...but you can ge...
Hey everyone!! :D I am here with the latest spoilers! Here they are: So what do you think?Do you like them? Write in comments :) xoxo El...
The Pêt à Porter animals have grown again, now they are completely out of their baskets and the baskets disappeared! Do you li...
There is a free trophy for everyone to celebrate International Women's Day! Just go here and answer the questions. The trophy ...
There's a new spoiler available, looks like Inspired by John Galliano Tribute will the the first of this seasons Tribute stores! ...
Blog Archive
- Best Sceneries
- Scenery Competition!
- Recherche Party
- 70 Million members!!!
- Free L'Occitane Poster!!!
- L'OCCITANE Make Up Coming.....
- Coming Soon to Underneath Stardoll
- USD PARTY in a while!!!
- Free Couch
- Tribute Store in Suite Shop!!
- Spoiler..Time!!!
- The Voile Offers Story
- Medoll of the week!
- Let's Party!!!!
- The stardoll shiner ...IS HIRING
- It's True....2000 Followers!!!
- Superstar Competition - Finalists!
- Chat - Preeya Kalidas!!
- Superstar Competition
- Spoiler Time
- Free Cat!!
- New Brand on Stardoll - jcpteen !!
- Spoiler..Time
- Getting Close....
- Friends Styled Outfits!!!
- Killah Clothes in Starplaza!!
- Killah Store!!!
- The old Stardoll Story.....
- Killah is coming....
- Award Fever!!
- Penthouse items Coming
- Spoiler Time.!!!
- Free Red Panda
- Medoll of the Week
- Best Dressed- Non Superstars
- BBS IS HIRING.....!!!
- Competition - NON Superstars!!!
- New Donna Magazine Issue!!
- LE Glitch!!
- "Le Specs" Link!!
- Makeover...A week Later!!!
- Free Pig!!!
- Cats and Dogs store Released!!
- Free Golden Swimsuit and Poster!
- Spoiler.....Time
- République Soeurs Styled Outfits
- Suite Shop Sale!!!
- Spoiler Time....
- Free Monster High Blazer
- Dioguardi Group....
- Free "I love France T-shirt"
- Killah Real Brand on Stardoll!!
- Free T-Shirt and Pillows!!
- Spoiler Time...!!!
- Medoll of the Week!!!
- Free Trophy!!
- Best Sceneries
- Competition : SCENERY
- New Stardoll!!! A Guide to not get lost!!
- More Sneak Peaks!!!
- Spoiler Time!!!
- Beauty Parlor!!
- NEW KOHL'S are OUT!!
- New Sneak Peak of Makeover!!!
- Spoiler Time....New KOHL's
- Free Crown Print Pullover
- Makeover update!!
- Official Stardoll Blog!!
- Free BNTM Dress!!!
- Antidote is OUT!!
- LE Gone!!
- Stardoll Makeover news!!
- Medoll of the Week!
- Competition's Finalists!!
- The Antidote Story....
- Superstar Competition!!
- Spoiler Time.....ANTIDOTE
- Competitions are back!!
- Spoiler Time!!
- Free Palm Top
- PPQ is OUT!!
- Stardoll is changing!!!