As we promised in the 2000 Followers party we revealed you that there will be new sections on this ideas. For those who missed the party or for those who came is what new is coming to our blog starting next week. Have in mind that these we'll be additional things. Everything will do will stay as it is....we are just adding more fun:
1.Stardoll History posts will be moved in Monday(..ok that's a change...not new...that's why is the number
2.Underneath Stardoll's club in Stardoll which is UnderneathSD has more than 13,000 members. UnderneathSD from now on will held its own scenery competitions within the club and the winners will get to have their Scenery Shown in front of this huge club for A MONTH!!!
3.Active Members of the UnderneathSD club will get to be Managers of it. Remember that UnderneathSD is in the list of the top "I think" clubs:
4.Small polls from which we all together decide and see which were the "Must-Have Items" of the week that were released on Stardoll!!
5.Competition Winners will from now on have their "Quote or Something they want to share" in their winning post and also winners from SS competition will get to choose the next SS competition theme
6.New Competition Section: Graphic Design(we'll see how it will work)
7."Fashion Police" section. People will aply...we'll choose some and tell them what they did wrong to their style...if they did....or what would have been better....what they need to add so that their outfit be perfect( our opinion of course). In general it is a "Do and Don't" fashion section to remain stylish
8."Let your voice be heard" section....Stardoll is reading blogs...that's a fact...You will have the chance to say what you want for stardoll...what is missing..or what needs improved etc etc...We will gather your opinions and they will be posted with your name in a post. This will happen frequently enough since we want to know too what you're thinking
9.Interviews with our readers..... each Tuesday there will be a post about "Who wants to be interviewed?" .....wou will all answer one simple question from the post in the comments. Each of us we'll choose 2 girls that we liked their answer....6 Girls....Those 6 girls will be judged for their outfit at the day they answered and the best will have a whole Interview on USD which will be posted on Wednesday....more details later
10.Last but not least, Underneath Stardoll will open its doors on new Writers arround September/October. The Writers will be propably chosen from commited readers after of course our approvment. There will be competitions and testing your skills before you win a position on this blog......
More Fun in USD ...Starting next week....
...xoxo MSM
Weekly Popular
I know the awards were suppose to take place on December 18th, but due to many unfortunate matters I had to post-pone. I now have a forma...
There is new Archive in starplaza. You can see the floors below! Will you be buying anything?
There is a new Achievement Coming soon and will have to do with Facebook This is how it is going to look: ...xoxo M_Them...
You can see the Christmas's Hot hotbuys calendar HERE Ivory Turtleneck and it costs 16 stardo...
November's endangered species is the Orangutan. Much cuter than last month's Aye-Aye :D To adopt this cutie go here: http://www.sta...
NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE If you are looking for this pose...well i do not know where they are supposed to appear...but you can ge...
Hey everyone!! :D I am here with the latest spoilers! Here they are: So what do you think?Do you like them? Write in comments :) xoxo El...
The Pêt à Porter animals have grown again, now they are completely out of their baskets and the baskets disappeared! Do you li...
There is a free trophy for everyone to celebrate International Women's Day! Just go here and answer the questions. The trophy ...
There's a new spoiler available, looks like Inspired by John Galliano Tribute will the the first of this seasons Tribute stores! ...
Blog Archive
- Best Sceneries
- Scenery Competition!
- Recherche Party
- 70 Million members!!!
- Free L'Occitane Poster!!!
- L'OCCITANE Make Up Coming.....
- Coming Soon to Underneath Stardoll
- USD PARTY in a while!!!
- Free Couch
- Tribute Store in Suite Shop!!
- Spoiler..Time!!!
- The Voile Offers Story
- Medoll of the week!
- Let's Party!!!!
- The stardoll shiner ...IS HIRING
- It's True....2000 Followers!!!
- Superstar Competition - Finalists!
- Chat - Preeya Kalidas!!
- Superstar Competition
- Spoiler Time
- Free Cat!!
- New Brand on Stardoll - jcpteen !!
- Spoiler..Time
- Getting Close....
- Friends Styled Outfits!!!
- Killah Clothes in Starplaza!!
- Killah Store!!!
- The old Stardoll Story.....
- Killah is coming....
- Award Fever!!
- Penthouse items Coming
- Spoiler Time.!!!
- Free Red Panda
- Medoll of the Week
- Best Dressed- Non Superstars
- BBS IS HIRING.....!!!
- Competition - NON Superstars!!!
- New Donna Magazine Issue!!
- LE Glitch!!
- "Le Specs" Link!!
- Makeover...A week Later!!!
- Free Pig!!!
- Cats and Dogs store Released!!
- Free Golden Swimsuit and Poster!
- Spoiler.....Time
- République Soeurs Styled Outfits
- Suite Shop Sale!!!
- Spoiler Time....
- Free Monster High Blazer
- Dioguardi Group....
- Free "I love France T-shirt"
- Killah Real Brand on Stardoll!!
- Free T-Shirt and Pillows!!
- Spoiler Time...!!!
- Medoll of the Week!!!
- Free Trophy!!
- Best Sceneries
- Competition : SCENERY
- New Stardoll!!! A Guide to not get lost!!
- More Sneak Peaks!!!
- Spoiler Time!!!
- Beauty Parlor!!
- NEW KOHL'S are OUT!!
- New Sneak Peak of Makeover!!!
- Spoiler Time....New KOHL's
- Free Crown Print Pullover
- Makeover update!!
- Official Stardoll Blog!!
- Free BNTM Dress!!!
- Antidote is OUT!!
- LE Gone!!
- Stardoll Makeover news!!
- Medoll of the Week!
- Competition's Finalists!!
- The Antidote Story....
- Superstar Competition!!
- Spoiler Time.....ANTIDOTE
- Competitions are back!!
- Spoiler Time!!
- Free Palm Top
- PPQ is OUT!!
- Stardoll is changing!!!