Miss Stardoll World Report: Interview with MSW 2011 - ceren.gk

As we promised throughout the competition USD will have Reports with
News, Interviews ,Contests and many more.
I have contacted many people from those being in the contest
and you will be able to hear theit thoughts and maybe some tips!!!

The MSW 2012 is about to begin so i thought we should start with an interview with a person inside the contest and better yet an actual Miss Stardoll World!
So to start this report i invited last year's Miss Stardoll World to join us for an interview.
Ceren.gk from Turkey won Miss Stardoll World on 2011.

The interview:

Hello ceren.gk and welcome to USD's Miss Stardoll World 2012 Report . The MSW 2012 Competition is about start. Must brings you a lot of good memories. but before we talk about memories let's talk about present.Tell us about you today.What are you doing?
Since I’ve won, my stardoll life has become very active. I’m always talking with people in chat and trying to answer everyone’s guestbook comments – it’s hard though because there are so many, but I try my best because these are all the people who voted for me. Also, I’ve started designing clothes and interior items – it’s fun to create and sell. I also love the new stardesign hair. Whenever I see a beautiful hair that someone has designed I must buy and support them, some of the hair creations are breathtaking.

Many dollies out there believe that winning the crown will cost you a lot of Stardollars. What is your honest oppinion on that?
Honestly I think yes, you need a little bit of stardollars, but also you need a lot of support from your friends on here. I think, it doesn’t matter how many stardollars you have, there is no way to ‘buy’ MSW. I couldn’t have done it without my friends. They helped, tell people to vote for me and I can never say thank you enough for all their support.

You are talented in designing, you have a beautiful doll with an amazing suite and as fas as i can tell you are a really nice person. This is a good package to win MSW, but do you maybe have any secret tips to share with the people that we'll run for MSW 2012?
Just stay true to yourself and treat everyone equally. There is no need to put others down and be mean. My doll is just as cool as a doll that has little stardollars and clothes. It’s your personality that matters

Perilice2 that won MSW 2010 is also from Turkey.During the final Round have you ever thought that you might not win because of that? Like "two years in a row"?
ceren.gk: I wasn’t worried that she was running. What it made me do was just be the person I am, and hope people would vote for me. I really wanted to win, and I think people saw that if I won, I would be a good representative for the stardoll world.

It is 14th October 2011. You go home and login to stardoll. You just found out you are the MSW of 2011. What is your first reaction?
I was shocked. I couldn’t believe it – I was like, “Did I really win?” I was so happy and speechless. Great day for my ‘Stardoll life.’ ☺

M_Themis: Does Miss Stardoll World 2012 has an interest for you now? I mean are you intresting in "seeing" how it goes or even run for the crown again?
I will not be running again, but yes I’m very interested to see who will win this year. Stardoll keeps getting bigger and bigger. I’m starting to see a lot of male users on this site, so it will be interesting to see if any of them run to compete with us women. I hope the voters pick whomever they seem worthy women or men.

Winning Miss Stardoll World brings the Stardoll gift package, a ribbon, a crown and mainly fame. All nice i guess, but is there a dark side on winning MSW?
Well with a lot of ‘fame’ comes a lot of pressure. I always wanted to make sure my doll and my suite are perfect, so I can represent stardoll well. Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed with all the ‘requests to join clubs’ or lots and lots of guestbook comments – but it comes with the territory. I just stay true to myself and do the best I can.

You have stayed in the history of stardoll as MSW 2011. You even have your own Dress-up Doll on Stardoll. You have achieved the highest achievement a doll could ask for by winning MSW. Does stardoll lose interest when you have won the ultimate title or you find stardoll equally intresting as before?
I will probably never lose interest in stardoll. There is always new clothes, items, and updates being added so it keeps the site fresh. Also the connections I have made with people on this site is something that I can not throw away and ‘lose interest in.’ The friends I have met here mean something to me.

Is there another award that you haven't won but wish to one day on Stardoll?
I hope to one day win ‘Hottest Interior Design’ Trophy. Vote me. haha ☺

M_Themis: Is there anything you want to add personally or/and anything you wanna say to people that will run for MSW 2012?
I just wish you all the best and just stay true to yourself – be who you want to be on this site and not what others stereotype to be ‘cool’ or ‘popular.’ Everyone can be ‘cool’ and ‘popular’ in their own rights. ☺

Thank you for the great interview.Have a great day!!
Thank you too for this interview, it was a pleasure answering. 

That was todays from MSW 2012 USD Reports
Stay tuned for more...
....xoxo M_Themis

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