Hey everyone, according to Stardoll's Instagram we will have a new interior store tomorrow and by the looks of this it seems like Opulence, what do you think?
Are you excited for this?
Stay tuned for more spoilers
Xoxo Jodie55
Weekly Popular
I know the awards were suppose to take place on December 18th, but due to many unfortunate matters I had to post-pone. I now have a forma...
There is new Archive in starplaza. You can see the floors below! Will you be buying anything?
There is a new Achievement Coming soon and will have to do with Facebook This is how it is going to look: ...xoxo M_Them...
You can see the Christmas's Hot hotbuys calendar HERE Ivory Turtleneck and it costs 16 stardo...
November's endangered species is the Orangutan. Much cuter than last month's Aye-Aye :D To adopt this cutie go here: http://www.sta...
NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE If you are looking for this pose...well i do not know where they are supposed to appear...but you can ge...
Hey everyone!! :D I am here with the latest spoilers! Here they are: So what do you think?Do you like them? Write in comments :) xoxo El...
The Pêt à Porter animals have grown again, now they are completely out of their baskets and the baskets disappeared! Do you li...
There is a free trophy for everyone to celebrate International Women's Day! Just go here and answer the questions. The trophy ...
There's a new spoiler available, looks like Inspired by John Galliano Tribute will the the first of this seasons Tribute stores! ...
Blog Archive
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- "Last Week on Stardoll" - week #61
- Hotbuys Volcano Tights released
- Stardoll Transformation: Maleficent
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- "Last Week on Stardoll" - week #60
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- Soon a new collection of Pretty n'Love
- The Egg Hunt (Day 3)
- Hotbuys Party Crop Top released
- How To: Realistic Doll (Makeup)
- The Egg Hunt (Day 2)
- Captured: mangunmeetan
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- "Last Week on Stardoll" - week #59
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- New Tweet from Stardoll
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- Spoilers
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