Hey everyone! here is what you have all been waiting for, the Easter pass is here it costs 6.95 pounds and $9.95 dollars.
And here are the gifts,
Will you be buying this pass?
xoxo Jodie55
Weekly Popular
I know the awards were suppose to take place on December 18th, but due to many unfortunate matters I had to post-pone. I now have a forma...
There is new Archive in starplaza. You can see the floors below! Will you be buying anything?
There is a new Achievement Coming soon and will have to do with Facebook This is how it is going to look: ...xoxo M_Them...
You can see the Christmas's Hot hotbuys calendar HERE Ivory Turtleneck and it costs 16 stardo...
November's endangered species is the Orangutan. Much cuter than last month's Aye-Aye :D To adopt this cutie go here: http://www.sta...
NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE If you are looking for this pose...well i do not know where they are supposed to appear...but you can ge...
Hey everyone!! :D I am here with the latest spoilers! Here they are: So what do you think?Do you like them? Write in comments :) xoxo El...
The Pêt à Porter animals have grown again, now they are completely out of their baskets and the baskets disappeared! Do you li...
There is a free trophy for everyone to celebrate International Women's Day! Just go here and answer the questions. The trophy ...
There's a new spoiler available, looks like Inspired by John Galliano Tribute will the the first of this seasons Tribute stores! ...
Blog Archive
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- Whatever after - Soon on Stardoll
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- "Last Week on Stardoll" - week #61
- Hotbuys Volcano Tights released
- Stardoll Transformation: Maleficent
- Millionaire Mansion is out -- Updated
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- Millionaire Mansion will come tomorrow
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- The Egg Hunt (Day 6)
- The Egg Hunt (Day 5)
- Hotbuys Tisci Hat released
- "Last Week on Stardoll" - week #60
- The Egg Hunt (day 4)
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- Soon a new collection of Pretty n'Love
- The Egg Hunt (Day 3)
- Hotbuys Party Crop Top released
- How To: Realistic Doll (Makeup)
- The Egg Hunt (Day 2)
- Captured: mangunmeetan
- New floor of Original Future released
- Sneak Peek Original Future
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- Sneak Peek Pretty n'Love
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- Free gifts from Lego Friends - France
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- New collection of Pretty n'Love for Yatch Club rel...
- Free Barbie Hair
- New Star-design hair studio by Barbie
- Stardesign fashion spoiler
- One more spoiler
- Sneak Peek Pretty n'Love for Yatch Club
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- "Last Week on Stardoll" - week #59
- Instagram spoiler
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- Stardoll Fashion: Spring Time Chic
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- LE Spoilers
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- Captured: SosoYeah
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- Callie's Pick's - "Spring Whites" Released
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- Free gifts from Good Luck Charlie
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- Some spoilers
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- Spoiler alert
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- Good Luck Charlie: soon on Stardoll
- Fallen Angel Decor released
- Sneak Peek Fallen Angel Decor
- Spoilers - Fallen Angel Decor
- 50% off sale at Decades
- New Tweet from Stardoll
- INK'D released
- Spoilers
- New Stardesign fashion item
- Update on the camera