"Last Week on Stardoll" - week #113
Hello everyone!!
Another week has gone by, and it is time to do my weekly recap. I hope you will like it. (Sorry, I am just not feeling creative with intro.) Here it goes.
On Monday, we got a new collection of Velvet Orchid
Items come in mostly grey, metallic and black tones, with some exceptions. The collection has many interesting pieces, one of the most popular seems to be grey Knit Maxidress. Also, this is an adorable heart shoulder bag. We have a boy outfit as well. Also, some of you probably noticed that some of the old VO items have left the plaza, with no warning. Even I already have those items, we should be at least get notified in case some items or stores are leaving plaza permanently. (Okay, nothing seems to be permanent nowadays on Stardoll.)
On Wednesday, you know the deal - Callie's Picks - with the theme being "Rock On"
I am having mixed feelings about the collection. Some items are just fantastic, like that 'guy' leather jacket, which closely resembles the infamous Ashley leather jacket, so that one was instant buy for me. Great idea to help me get my rocker chick outfit. There are some great items, along with the infamous VIP pass (for royalty members only though). I see myself buying some more stuff later, though there are some items that I can never imagine wearing, like those leopard print jeans. Again, a great idea adding guy clothes.
The same day, Stardoll announced May Hotbuys.
The collection seems to be inspired by Coachella music festival. (I guess that by comments, I honestly had no idea about this festival until few weeks ago.) Most items are boho style, which is not my style. I am not a huge fan, but I love denim shorts and wedges. I don't often buy hotbuys anyway. I am hoping only for fair prices, for those who do plan on buying.
And on Friday, Stardoll released new Tress Up hair collection, named "Celebrity Star".
Gotta admit, this seems to be one of the best collections in Tress Up store ever. We have some long, some short hairstyles, some beards for guys (and girls trying to recreate Conchita look - tried it in dressing room, but decided to keep my stardollars instead). Most hairstyles are inspired by celebrity hairstyles, and some by celebrity hairstyles recreated previously by Stardoll users. What I dislike is that, on the first look, items are fantastic, but when I try them on my doll, they just do not look great with my face shape and facial features. Still, I immediately purchased 2 of the hairstyles, and I for sure plan on buying some others as well.
That sums up the week. Hope you loved it, and as usual, vote, comment, and see you next week.
May the odds ever be in your favor!
~ Venus
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