"Last Week on Stardoll" - Week #6


Hello followers, readers, and random visitors, reading the newest installment of my weekly column.
You waited for it for a long time, kept asking in comments, anxiously anticipating, and this week, it finally happened! I am sure all of you know what I am talking about, but if someone doesn't, well, keep reading.

This week was rather monotone, as all of 3 big news are in fact new releases.

The Stardoll Archive released (or rather brought back) 'new' collection. It consists of old Fallen Angel items.

Some were happy, some disappointed, and some mad for spending big money on stuff that got back to stores later. Even I mostly love FA clothes, these aren't much impressive.. I really dislike Stardoll bringing back old clothes, as some of them were rare and valuable.

Second release this week was, as usual, Weekly HotBuys.

They came again with a glitch many took advantage of, the shoes being sold for starcoins instead of stardollars. I actually stayed up and saw when they came out, but didn't notice the glitch. Bummer. Clothes are okay, better than some previous collections.

And now, the biggest and the most anticipated release this week:

Yeah, you see well, it is the newest Limited Edition collection, right in starplaza.
It wasn't really that good as everyone expected, but still there were some really nice pieces. Some stuff are too tacky, weird, and just wrong.. It still hasn't sold out, so you can hurry and grab some pieces. Remember when LE store was actually limited, and top quality? Yeah, those were the good days. But you can still make some profit by reselling those items later.

This was all for this week. Last week you voted your favorite moment of week to me Miss Sixty 50% off sale. This week, do I really have to post a poll? Just kidding. Here it goes, and see you next week.

~ Venus

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