Welcome to Who wore it best! This is a segment where everyone gets featured - no matter what level you are on! So when you sign up for it make sure your outfit is great - just in case you're the next person!
Last time we had anniie_chan vs laugordon! Here are the results...
Ooh! It was sooo close!
Well done annie_chan! Click here to go to her suite!
danielladaisyxx says:
anniie_chan has the best, her outfit is simply stunning. It contrasts a bit of a party girl (silver sequin headband) with an everyday ready for work/school style. Classy
danielladaisyxx says:
anniie_chan has the best, her outfit is simply stunning. It contrasts a bit of a party girl (silver sequin headband) with an everyday ready for work/school style. Classy
The person to get chosen this week is:
The item that appears in both outfits is Cream Point Clutch from Voile. Here are the outfits:
The item that appears in both outfits is Cream Point Clutch from Voile. Here are the outfits:
Stephaniee... vs. fashiongitler
My opinion: I love both of these outfits! They are both casual and i think that both outfits go well with the versatile clutch! In fashiongitler's outfit i love the blue with the white and the clothes combinations; the heels, jeans and blouse with the clutch. Stephaniee... has gone wit a really laid-back outfit. The colours go great together and this is genuinely a really cozy outfit.
Who do you think wore it best? Post your comments below and you could get featured on the next post!
Also, don't forget to vote in the poll!