Free Enchanted Floral Dress!!

Theres a free Enchanted Floral Dress in is a scenery get the dress when you submit your scenery....

If you are from Austria or Germany go to the contest by clicking HERE

The rest of us we will need to use a manual proxy....we haven't found one working at the moment...but we will try to find!!....if you know one that is working share it with us in a comment....

The contest is available to Germany as well!!
UPDATE2: Unfortunately the contest is available ONLY for SuperStars!!

To just get the dress go to this proxy here:
Copy and paste this link into the blank box :
hit enter
log in....
now go to the proxy's adress top of the screen...erase the previous link and copy and paste this one now :
hit enter...wait a while....close the window and go to stardoll as will be in your suite....

ATTENTION: In case there will be pop up ads during the time you are using the proxy...close them and continue with the steps....don't click in any of them...we cannot garantee the safety of a proxy.

You can also use this proxy cause the other has started becoming slow.. because everyone is trying to use it ...thanx tasunechka

thanks to Kendra_1999 and Lollipopili for mentionig that the contest is also available in Germany....

...xoxo MSM
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Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.