MSW2014 Finalists have been revealed (by countries in alphabetic order):
Algeria - blueheart19
Argentina - Blackmambayeah
Australia - onetaurus
Brazil - FlorGatalinda10
Canada - AliceBurdeuFan
Chile - hello_kitty_n_n
Croatia - starLucy77
Cyprus - pop_music10
Czech Republic - ElisaHorse
Egypt - sindrellaCharm
France - Dounette69
Germany - Chryspi
Great Britain - signe110
Greece - PrettyMaroulaki
Hungary - Mrs.Ladygagafan
Israel - lenosh5
Italy - ShellKitty16
Mexico - HadaAlejandria
Netherlands - Scale
Poland - izabelach
Portugal -maximabeleza
Romania - GladisK
Russian Federation - VogueNikoletta
Saudi Arabia - Memoo-wa
Spain - Mansicina
Sweden - Charlie1966
Turkey - PuppySasha34
United States - CrystalsJoy
Venezuela - crisbelDorada
I know that some of the finalists read our blog so in the name of all USD TEAM I wanna say
Congratulations to ALL of you
and Best of Luck
xoxo, sdoreymenano