We were looking at the comments about the spoilers we had for the new floor on the Decade of the teens when i read a comment by Madipop that one of the Designs is actually stolen from Seventeen Magazine... the design we are talking about is from xomigoshclairex who she actually emailed us her design the day we were looking for the designers of the clothes to come in the Decade of the teens: some comments of their conversation in our blog:
Since investigation is what we like the most...lol...we thought we should check this informartion so we went to the seventeen magazine...after looking for a while we found this on the contest:These are the Designs a girl called Annie took part on the Design Contest of Seventeen Magazine .....look the one in the middle....the girl was a finalist on the design contest which took place on........2008
The link to where on Seventeen Magazine we found the picture:
And here is the design of xomigoshclairex:
xomigoshclairex made a statement about this in her presentation:
her design without color...the one that talks in her presentation is this:
The fact is that xomigoshclairex made a design...what she writes in her presentation is true...about stardoll asking you to send the designs you made....and let's say that we can believe that the image was send to her from her friend...
HOWEVER that doesn't change the fact that there is a copyright issue...cause let's face it...no matter what way it happened...it was copied based on the design from the Seventeen Magazine Design Contest.....
...xoxo MSM
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